I did my time, and I want out
So effusive fate
It doesn't cut
The soul is not so vibrant
The reckoning, the sickening
Back at you, subversion
Pseudo-sacred with psycho virgin
Go drill your deserts
Go dig your graves
Then fill your mouth
With all the money you will save
Sinking in, getting smaller again
Undone, it has begun
I'm not the only one
And the rain will kill us all
Throw ourselves against the wall
But no one else can see
The preservation of the martyr in me
Psychosocial, psychosocial, psychosocial
Psychosocial, psychosocial, psychosocial
آخرین حضور 4 سال 3 ماه قبل
عضویت از 7 سال 7 ماه قبل