English lyrics:
Time attacks in waves like a cloud
In response to the voices that are erased and crawl along the road at night
I'll never forget you, I'm still standing alone on an unbeatable path
Enduring the rain with the grace of a shot bird
I sleep washed by the unhealing blood of the earth
Stars, tell this night in a fierce way
I'll never forget you, living alone through the freezing night
An unquenchable voice, revive now and become a force
Hai Yai Forces Hai Yai Forces
Hai Yai Forces Hai Yai Forces
Hai Yai Forces Hai Yai Forces
Hai Yai Forces Hai Yai Forces
Listen, even the wind cries, a tower of shadow rises
I'm crawling on the street at night after being shot, light a light for you.
I'll never forget you, I'm still standing alone on an unbeatable path
Go, scorpion shadow, come and guide me.
Hai Yai Forces Hai Yai Forces
Hai Yai Forces Hai Yai Forces
Hai Yai Forces Hai Yai Forces
Hai Yai Forces Hai Yai Forces
Hai Yai Forces Hai Yai Forces
Hai Yai Forces Hai Yai Forces
Hai Yai Forces Hai Yai Forces
Hai Yai Forces Hai Yai Forces