Official: There won't be any 2015 Patch
Following the controversy and questions regarding the future of the Patch we want to clarify that there will not be any 2015 Patches released during the PES 2015 life cycle.
What are the reasons for this decision
Editing since PES 2014 is extremly difficult and even more time consuming than before. Together with the general reduced interest in the game on PC through the years, we are not finding the same motivation as before to do a PESEdit 2015 Patch.
Constant stealing of our work (database, kits, stadiums) by other patches and re-uploading of our PES patches via torrents and on websites unapprovedly did make the decision to stop patching much easier.
The general quality of PES 2015 and especially PES 2014 combined with Konami's complete disinterest in the PC version: the quality gap to the PS4 version and the incredibly poor performance even on high-end PCs is simply disappointing, not to mention hundreds of errors in the database, ingame faces and kits, as well as the recurring lack of stadiums.
We started Patches back in 2009 and these years have been great fun before everything else. Just lately the negatives have outweighed the positives and we feel now is the right time to end it.
New PES 2015 Patches are available to download already
Anyway, this is not the end of the world and new PES 2015 Patches are available at PESEdit Forums.
We want to thank all of you for your continued support throughout the years. Please refrain from asking us to reconsider our choice, the decision is definitive
سایت pesedit این خبر رو لحظاتی پیش منتشر کرد من نتونستم درست معنا کنم اما به نظر میاد دیگه خبری از پچ های این گروه برای pes2015 نخواهد بود
و دلایلی رو هم ذکر کرده که یکی از دلایلش تفاوت چشمگیر نسخه pc با ps4 ذکر شده و در آخر هم گفته شده این تصمیم قطعی هستش و تغییر نخواهد کرد
البته غصه ای نیست اینا نسازن دیگران میسازن