مطلب ارسالی کاربران
دانلود آهنگ Árbakkinn از Ólafur Arnalds
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تا 1:50 این آقا حرف می زنه بعد قسمت اصلی شروع می شه .
آهنگ مشابه 👇
White Flowers
* The Riverbank *
In a blue dream
Is she comfortable
With a frisky game
On ropes and rapids
And impish splashes
On a grey stone
In a hide-out and dead water
Is she possibly on a move
With modest charm
Down the river
Ever reborn
And astonishing
She commits that art
Which is the most beautiful
From ancient fire
The ground of sound is created
I hear the noise
In my heart
I hear the noise
In my head