Tears in rain این مقاله از CDC هست:
Serotypes are groups within a single species of microorganisms, such as bacteria or viruses, which share distinctive surface structures. For instance, Salmonella bacteria look alike under the microscope but can be separated into many serotypes based on two structures on their surface:
The outermost portion of the bacteria’s surface covering, called the O antigen; and
A slender threadlike structure, called the H antigen, that is part of the flagella.
The O antigens are distinguished by their different chemical make-up. The H antigens are distinguished by the protein content of the flagella. Each O and H antigen has a unique code number. Scientists determine the serotype based on the distinct combination of O and H antigens.
میگه serotype در واقع تقسیم بندی زیرگونه ای بر اساس ویژگی های سطح غشا و دیواره هست مثل آنتی ژن مثلا ویروسی رو نام برده که دو زیرگونه (serotype) داره که یکی آنتی ژن H و دیگری O داره ولی هردو تو بقیه چیزا مشترکن و از یه گونه هستند