پیمان آقا"It's strange how me and Mario understand each other so instinctively," Reus says. "At the start of the season we needed some time but now, without looking, we know where the other one is and where we should run to make or receive a pass. But there's still room for improvement and I'm happy to do lots of running for everyone here."
In explaining his dynamic style of play, Reus reveals that: "My idol was always Tomas Rosicky [who played at Dortmund for five years before joining Arsenal in 2006]. He used to be phenomenal. He had such a good eye for an opening and knew where his team-mates were, and he was so quick. Rosicky had great technique and was so intelligent and mature even though he was still young at Dortmund. I copied everything about him – right down to his sweatbands. He was so unlucky he had bad injuries at Arsenal because, otherwise, he would be one of the world's best players."
Has Reus seen much of Jack Wilshere? The young German nods vigorously and his eyes open wide. "A perfect player," he says. Reus leans forward, across the table, and switches to conspiratorial English. "Boy, he's fucking good," he says of Wilshere. "He's so quick and skilful with the ball at his feet."
A few seconds later, Reus breaks into a whoop. "H
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